Apprentices & Trainees

Trainer with distinction

Prospects for a successful future

Open House Register now!13.12.2024

XENON has been a company providing apprenticeships for over 20 years and has already received several awards in this matter. Our training objective is to create a practical learning environment for our apprentices and dual students and to get to know different specialist areas. Our apprentices therefore work on real projects and are supervised by our training team. 

To give you a first insight into the working world at an early stage, we offer internships and holiday jobs. This opportunity gives you an insight into the activities and perspectives of the individual apprenticeship. In this way, we make a contribution to making it easier for you to choose your apprenticeship later on. 

Ihr zukünftiger Arbeitgeber

XENON as apprenticeship company

Our next generation of skilled workers is particularly important to us. That is why we place emphasis on these points in our training: 

  • Small training groups to ensure an intensive supervision
  • Skilled training team
  • Practical activities on real projects
  • Connection of theory, basics and practice through cooperation with training workshops

Our apprenticed professions

Cutting machine operator (f/m/d)

Training duration: 3.5 years

As a cutting machine operator (f/m/d), you will be trained with us in the production of precision components on conventional and CNC-controlled machines, which you will set up and program independently and accompany throughout the entire production process.

Industrial mechanic (f/m/d)

Training duration: 3.5 years

As an industrial mechanic (f/m/d), you will learn the mechanical processing and testing of various materials and apply this knowledge in the mechanical assembly and commissioning of our automated systems.


Mechatronics technician (f/m/d)

Training duration: 3.5 years
As a mechatronics technician (f/m/d) you will acquire comprehensive knowledge of the construction of mechanical and electronic components, which you will assemble into complex systems. You can also apply this knowledge in the field of service and commissioning.  

Open house
13.12.2024 | 15 pm
at XENON Dresden

get insights into our work and your potential apprenticeship.

XENON als Arbeitgeber

Ausgezeichneter Arbeitgeber


Das sagen unsere Azubis

Bei XENON begeistert mich das praktische Arbeiten an den Maschinen: Trotz dessen, dass ich als Steuerungsentwickler die Maschinensteuerungen am PC programmiere, arbeite ich im Team mit Monteuren und Konstrukteuren. Dieses Miteinander finde ich hervorragend!

Max Mustermann
Job Description

Ich habe bei XENON erfolgreich meine Ausbildung als Mechatronikerin absolviert. Nach meinem Abschluss gab mir XENON die Möglichkeit mich als Elektroplanerin zu entwickeln. Die neuen Aufgaben an den Projekten fordern mich täglich heraus.

Max Mustermann
Job Description

Mein Ausbilder hat sich seit dem ersten Kennenlernen und während der gesamten Ausbildungszeit um mich gekümmert. Ich konnte fachliche und persönliche Anliegen klären und fühle mich optimal auf die Übernahme nach der Ausbildung vorbereitet.

Max Mustermann
Job Description

    Would you like to learn more?
    We will be happy to answer your questions. Just give us a call.


    Your Contact

    Anna-Linnea Andres
    Human Resources
