
Career at XENON

Your entry into the industry of the future

With passion and enthusiasm for technology, our more than 400 employees worldwide are committed to the products and technologies of tomorrow. Together as a team, we develop automation solutions in the automotive, electronics and medical technology sectors and work with cooperation partners on innovative solutions.

Our employees, with their skills and abilities as well as their commitment, are our most valuable asset in the company. Mutual trust, respectful cooperation and our common goal orientation are the basis of our collaboration.

Ihr zukünftiger Arbeitgeber

Why XENON? This speaks for us:

Responsible and sustainable cooperation is our ambition, and our philosophy is centered on this worldwide: 
  • Exciting tasks in future industries
  • Open corporate culture and room for technical innovation
  • Strong team spirit and commitment to assist
  • International development opportunities and career planning
XENON as employer

Get in now

Jeder fängt einmal an zu Lernen. Daher bieten wir in unseren Bereichen die Möglichkeit bereits als Schüler in den Ferien oder durch Praktika in die Berufe hineinzuschnuppern. Als Ausbildungsbetrieb bilden wir jedes Jahr seit X in den Bereichen Mechanik und Mechatronik aus und betreuen unsere Azubis durch persönliche Ausbilder die gesamte Lehrzeit.

Wer nicht nur die reine Theorie des Studiums lernen, sondern diese zusätzlich mit der Praxis verbinden möchte, ist bei uns richtig. Wir ermöglichen es Studierenden neben dem Studium, durch Praktika oder Abschlussarbeiten an realen Kundenprojekten mitzuarbeiten und Ihre Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln.

Die persönliche und fachliche Weiterentwicklung ist uns sehr wichtig. Dafür sorgen wir mit spannenden und abwechslungsreichen Projekte und individueller Weiterbildungen.

XENON als Arbeitgeber

Awarded employer


What our team says

I have been a student at XENON for two years. During this time, I have been involved in various projects and have been able to get to know many areas of responsibility. My colleagues have always been open to questions and the flexible working hours have made it possible for me to balance work, university and free time.

Sina Bender

XENON is characterized by varied work in interdisciplinary teams. We work on a wide range of research and development projects on innovative and sustainable topics.

Benjamin Reichelt
Group Leader Innovation

I started at XENON as a career changer and was given many opportunities to grow. It never gets boring because new ideas can be implemented quickly and easily.

Marie Kiesow 
Digital Consultant

    Job- & Ausbildungsmessen – Lernen Sie uns kennen

    Applying at XENON - steps and tips

      Do you have questions about the application process?
      We will give you an overview here.

      Application process

      1. Submit Application

      If we have aroused your interest in a position or if you would like to send us an initiative application, please send your application documents, including your CV and relevant work and degree certificates, summarized in a pdf file by email to 

      We are always happy to receive an individual cover letter.

      Next Step

      2. Review of the application in the department

      Once you have submitted your application, it will be reviewed by the respective department. This can usually take up to two weeks, so please be patient. 

      Next Step

      3. Personal meeting with us

      If you were able to convince us positively with your application, we will invite you to a personal interview at XENON. The purpose of this interview is to get to know each other better. You can also use the interview to ask us any questions you may have. In a follow-up interview, we usually take the time to get to know each other better, ask technical questions and take you on a tour. We do not have a dress code. Dress for the job, as long as you feel comfortable.

      You can find directions here.

      Next Step

      4. Our feedback

      After our interviews, you will have a first impression of the role and the company. Once we have completed the internal selection process, we will contact you as soon as possible.

      Please understand that this may take some time as we want to give each candidate the opportunity to present themselves. If you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the HR team.

      Next Step

      5. Your start at XENON

      If it has "matched", we look forward to giving you a hearty welcome to the XENON team. To give you a good start at XENON, we plan your onboarding process. In doing so, we organize your personal onboarding process, your first day at work and your mentoring. 

      Ready to get started? Check our open positions.

      Next Step

      Facts and Figures

      Age (Ø)
      Apprentices & Students

      Would you like to learn more?
      We will be happy to answer your questions. Just give us a call.


      Your Contact

      Anna-Linnea Andres
      Human Resources
